Thursday 12 September 2013

The Light at the End!

Now here's something to make a Doctor Who fan smile, and if you're not smiling then don't show your face around these parts until you do. Here's a brilliant image from the cover of this months Doctor Who Magazine, featuring the five surviving classic Doctors who are all set to appear in Big Finish's audio production The Light at the End, to celebrate 50 years of our favourite show. It's remarkable to see them all together, let alone know that they'll be acting alongside each other. After all, we know that Tom Baker's involvement in Doctor Who related productions have been rocky since he left the show in 1980.

Now lets just wait for someone to kindly photoshop their old costumes on, and we can soak in what we hope to see in The Day of the Doctor. Seriously, who cares if they're a bit large around the middle and with a bit less hair on top, shove them in their costumes and they'd dazzle us as much as they did back in their heyday.


  1. Paul McGann unashamedly photoshopped into the picture there ;)

  2. I agree completely, I think Davison and McGann are the two who have least aged in my opinion, and with the excuse they made in time crash, it could easily work again! Tom can wear a hat, hell with the quality of Matt Smiths wig, if they can do the same for Colin, that would be great, and McCoy can also wear a hat lol, I don't think it would be bad at all, at least its a chance to seem them on screen, maybe for the last time, before we lose more.

  3. Tom Baker looks photoshopped in as well.

  4. why is it that this image is a million times better than the poster for the day of the doctor?
